Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious tradition where all are encouraged to walk their own spiritual paths, seeking the highest good. It is a non-creedal faith, espousing no dogma, but recognizing the deep spiritual truths in the world’s great religions.
Congregations seek: To create a safe, loving community for all members and friends; to teach children to care for one another; to cherish reason and the free mind; to value the teachings of science, as well as the teachings of spiritual leaders; to work together to accomplish more than individuals can do alone.
Each congregation is self-governing, with the membership setting its governing principles and assuming responsibility for the financial support of the church.
Although all UU congregations are autonomous, they join together in the Unitarian Universalist Association, which supports them with resources for congregational life, and which helps congregations work to advance justice, peace, and understanding throughout the world.