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FAQs that Newcomers Often Have About Their First Visit
to the Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta:


1. What goes on during the worship services?

Our worship services include instrumental and vocal music, meditation, readings, and sermon or reflection.  Occasionally there are innovative and diverse services when the congregation is invited to participate.

Our minister usually leads three services a month.  The other month’s service is led either by congregation members or by a guest speaker.  Check the newsletter or the Sunday Service web page for a description of the upcoming service.

2. How do people dress for the Sunday service?

We are mostly a casual group.  There are some who choose to dress up; most people come in comfortable, casual attire.  Children, especially the youngest ones, should be dressed for comfort.

Name tags are available at the Welcome Table.  We encourage everyone to share their name as it helps us to know each other.

3. Will I be able to speak with the minister?

Our minister greets everyone as they enter the Sanctuary, and also enjoys talking to newcomers during the social hour following the service.  Unless they are tied up with other demands or it is the minister’s Sunday off, you will probably be able to speak with the minister during social hour.

4. Are people of diverse racial or religious backgrounds welcome in the congregation?

Absolutely!   We are an open and loving community.  All are welcome.

5. Are there LGBTQ+ people in this congregation?

Yes.  Our congregation affirms and promotes the inherent rights, worth, and dignity of every human being.

6. Is there childcare during the Sunday service?

During the service we offer childcare in the nursery downstairs from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon for infants, toddlers, and children up to age 5.  During the school year there are religious education programs for older children from kindergarten through high school.

7. May my child stay with me during the service?

We always welcome children to stay for the entire service.  However, please be aware that the sermon is generally for an adult audience, and younger children especially may not be interested.  If you need to leave the Sanctuary because of a fussy child or other reason, the service can still be heard from a speaker in the kitchen area.  Parents who wish to stay with their child in the nursery for all or part of the service are welcome to do so.

8. Is there easy parking?  Are the building and services handicap friendly?

Yes.  The municipal parking lot is right across the street, with free parking.  Our building has a ramp, a hearing-loop for those who are hearing impaired, and an accessible bathroom.  Since we sit in chairs, people who use walkers or wheelchairs fit in comfortably throughout the Sanctuary.

9. Will I feel pressured to give money if I am a visitor?

No.  Plates are passed, but there is absolutely no obligation to contribute.  We are simply pleased that you chose to visit us.

10. Will I be locked out if I arrive late for the service?

Certainly not!  Latecomers are asked to enter quietly.  Ushers sit near the door, will give you a copy of the Order of Service, and will help you find a seat if necessary.